IIM Ahmedabad's Publications


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Total No of Publication : 2214

“So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational ai for research, practice and policy

  • Authors: Dwivedi Y.K., Kshetri N., Hughes L., Slade E.L., Jeyaraj A., Kar A.K., Baabdullah A.M., Koohang A., Raghavan V., Ahuja M., Albanna H., Albashrawi M.A., Al-Busaidi A.S., Balakrishnan J., Barlette Y., Basu S., Bose I., Brooks L., Buhalis D., Carter L., Chow
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: International Journal of Information Management
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2023.102642

Transformative artificially intelligent tools, such as ChatGPT, designed to generate sophisticated text indistinguishable from that produced by a human, are applicable across a wide range of contexts. The technology presents opportunities as well as, often ethical and legal, challenges, and has the ...(Read Full Abstract)

(dis)empowering the feminine? spatializing the interlace of gender-class-neoliberal managerialism in a women-only café in India

  • Authors: Chennangodu R., Kandathil G.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Gender, Work and Organization
    DOI: 10.1111/gwao.13002

Using the Lefebvrian triad, we explore spatial organizing of classed-gendered work and working bodies in a cafe space that emerges from urbanized claims of empowering “rural poor women” to become entrepreneurs by employing them in a cafe. Our critical-interpretive ethnography analyses the proces...(Read Full Abstract)

(farmer) producer companies in India as new generation cooperatives: case studies of performance and impact from West Bengal, India

  • Authors: Singh S.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
    DOI: 10.1111/apce.12436

One of the innovative alternatives to the traditional cooperative structure has been the new generation cooperatives or cooperative companies, known as producer companies (PCs) in India since the early 2000s. This paper examines the impact of PCs on the member farmer livelihoods, which is not well s...(Read Full Abstract)

(Small) farmer livelihoods under liberalised agricultural market environment in India: can farmer producer companies be an alternative?

This article examines the rationale and experience of Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) in the context of their promotion and public funding on a large scale. Simultaneously, corporate players have been provided a larger and free space under the APLM and CF&S Acts of 2017 and 2018, respectively. At t...(Read Full Abstract)

A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems

  • Authors: Mosnier A., Javalera-Rincon V., Jones S.K., Andrew R., Bai Z., Baker J., Basnet S., Boer R., Chavarro J., Costa W., Daloz A.S., DeClerck F.A., Diaz M., Douzal C., Howe Fan A.C., Fetzer I., Frank F., Gonzalez-Abraham C.E., Habiburrachman A.H.F., Immanuel G
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Environmental Research Letters
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/acc044

The achievement of several sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement depends on rapid progress towards sustainable food and land systems in all countries. We have built a flexible, collaborative modeling framework to foster the development of national pathways by local research t...(Read Full Abstract)

A general-purpose exact solution method for mixed integer concave minimization problems

  • Authors: Sinha A., Das A., Anand G., Jayaswal S.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: European Journal of Operational Research
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.02.005

In this article, we discuss an exact algorithm for solving mixed integer concave minimization problems. A piecewise inner-approximation of the concave function is achieved using an auxiliary linear program that leads to a bilevel program, which provides a lower bound to the original problem. The bil...(Read Full Abstract)

A market value analysis of buyer-supplier relationship building awards

  • Authors: Verma N.K., Jha A.K., Bose I., Ngai E.W.T.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
    DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3230079

The purpose of this article is to study the signaling potential of “supplier awards” in creating shareholder value for the award-giving and the award-receiving firm. We use event study methodology with supplier awards as events that signal mutually beneficial buyer–supplier rela...(Read Full Abstract)

A modified q-BFGS algorithm for unconstrained optimization

  • Authors: Lai K.K., Mishra S.K., Sharma R., Sharma M., Ram B.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Mathematics
    DOI: 10.3390/math11061420

This paper presents a modification of the q-BFGS method for nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. For this modification, we use a simple symmetric positive definite matrix and propose a new q-quasi-Newton equation, which is close to the ordinary q-quasi-Newton equation in the limiting case....(Read Full Abstract)

A more relevant MBA: the role of across-the-curriculum delivery of intercompetency coursework in aligning the required curriculum with required managerial competencies

  • Authors: Amblee N., Ertl H., Dhayanithy D.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Management Education
    DOI: 10.1177/10525629221121700

Despite their widespread popularity in the United States, MBA programs have received considerable and sustained criticism. The chief complaint is that MBA graduates lack key skills required to be competent managers, and the main suspect has been identified as a less than relevant curriculum. Previou...(Read Full Abstract)

A multi-type branching process model for epidemics with application to covid-19

  • Authors: Laha A.K., Majumdar S.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
    DOI: 10.1007/s00477-022-02298-9

In this paper we model an infectious disease epidemic using Multi-type Branching Process where the number of offsprings of different types follow non-identical Poisson distributions whose parameters may vary over time. We allow for variation in parameters due to the behavior of citizens, government ...(Read Full Abstract)

Aggregate, asymmetric and frequency-based spillover among equity, precious metals, and cryptocurrency

This study evaluates the portfolio diversification potential of different classes of assets-equity, cryptocurrency and precious metals-using total, asymmetric and frequency-based spillover transmission framework. The VAR-based generalized variance decomposition method is used to analyse the daily pr...(Read Full Abstract)

Analysis and impact of covid-19 disclosures: is it-services different from others?

  • Authors: Majumdar A., Singh P.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Industrial Management and Data Systems
    DOI: 10.1108/IMDS-04-2021-0239

Purpose: There is ambiguity regarding whether coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a boon or bane for the IT services industry. On the one hand, it has created opportunities, especially with the growth of collaborative technologies. On the other hand, many firms have reduced their IT budgets owing...(Read Full Abstract)

Assessing possibilities for coal continuance in India under climate constraints

  • Authors: Tiwari V., Garg A., Kapshe M., Deshpande A., Vishwanathan S.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2022.103811

Rapid shift from traditional energy intensive pathways is required to pace-up economic growth before exhausting remaining carbon budget under 2 °C global stabilization target. Within this larger context, in this paper we have used AIM/End-use, a bottom-up, techno-economic model to analyze India's e...(Read Full Abstract)

Beyond stars: role of discrete emotions on online consumer review helpfulness

  • Authors: Srivastava V., Kalro A.D., Raizada G., Sharma D.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
    DOI: 10.1080/10696679.2022.2148111

Traditional Word-of-Mouth (WOM) literature shows that emotions embedded in advertising appeals or referrals/reviews influence consumer buying journey. However, there is a paucity of research exploring the distribution and impact of emotional content in “online” consumer reviews (OCRs). Hence, in...(Read Full Abstract)

Beyond the technology-centric and citizen-centric binary: ontological politics of organizing in translation of the smart city discourse in India

  • Authors: Mittal H., Kandathil G., Mathur N.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Organization
    DOI: 10.1177/13505084221150364

Smart city (SC) experts in India often center-stage citizens as an alternative to a technology-led transformation. A substantial body of literature on smart cities sustains this resultant binary between techno-centrism and citizen-centrism. Mobilizing ANT sensibilities, we generate an ethnographic n...(Read Full Abstract)

Brand affiliation and the hotel asset market

  • Authors: Liu P., Freybote J., Das P.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: International Journal of Hospitality Management
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103428

Brand affiliation represents a signal about the future operating performance of a hotel that reduces information asymmetries between hotel buyers and sellers. However, information asymmetries vary across property-level and locational characteristics of hotels. We hypothesize that hotel brand affilia...(Read Full Abstract)

Can Alexa serve customers better? AI-driven voice assistant service interactions

  • Authors: Malodia S., Ferraris A., Sakashita M., Dhir A., Gavurova B.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Services Marketing
    DOI: 10.1108/JSM-12-2021-0488

Purpose: This study aims to examine customers’ willingness to engage in service interactions enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) controlled voice assistants (VA). Drawing on the tenets of dual-factor theory, this study measures the impact of both enablers and inhibitors – mediated by trust i...(Read Full Abstract)

Caring for those in your charge: the role of servant leadership and compassion in managing bullying in the workplace

  • Authors: Ahmad S., Islam T., D'Cruz P., Noronha E.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: International Journal of Conflict Management
    DOI: 10.1108/IJCMA-05-2022-0098

Purpose: Adapting a positive business ethics framework, the purpose of this paper is to offer a new perspective to manage bullying at work. Specifically, this paper reports an empirical study which examines how the good work of servant leadership may lower employees’ exposure to workplace bullying...(Read Full Abstract)

Choosing beyond compliance over dormancy: corporate response to India’s mandatory CSR expenditure law

  • Authors: Jain S., Desai N., Pingali V., Tripathy A.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Management and Organization Review
    DOI: 10.1017/mor.2022.57

This article examines whether firms engaged in high levels of voluntary CSR (corporate social responsibility) alter their strategic choices in response to detrimental public policy - specifically India's Companies Act (2013) that mandates qualifying firms to spend 2% of their three-year average net ...(Read Full Abstract)

Circular economy business models as pillars of sustainability: where are we now, and where are we heading?

  • Authors: Hina M., Chauhan C., Sharma R., Dhir A.
    Year: 2023 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Business Strategy and the Environment
    DOI: 10.1002/bse.3480

The prior literature has discussed the benefits of the circular economy business model (CEBM) while working to streamline the environmental aspect, touching upon the social aspect and improving the economic aspect. These aspects have been widely recognised as pillars of sustainability. Thus, prior s...(Read Full Abstract)