IIM Mumbai's Publications (Web of Science)


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Total No of Publication : 1130

A comparative study of project risk management with risk breakdown structure (rbs): a case of commercial construction in india

  • Authors: Bepari, Muzammil; Narkhede, Balkrishna E.; Raut, Rakesh D.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: International Journal of Construction Management
    DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2022.2124657

The construction industry deals with the growing complexity and dynamism exposed to numerous and interdependent risks which, evolve throughout the project. In most risk management processes, risk identification forms a long list or matrix, which it difficult in identifying more influenced risks. Pre...(Read Full Abstract)

A glimpse of the future sustainable digital omnichannel retailing emerges - a systematic literature review

  • Authors: Vhatkar, Manjunath S.; Raut, Rakesh D.; Gokhale, Ravindra; Cheikhrouhou, Naoufel; Akarte, Milind
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Journal of Cleaner Production
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141111

With an emphasis on digitalization, distribution, logistics, and transportation, omnichannel retailing is essential in supply chain management (scm). With this retailing strategy, sustainability and profitability in e -commerce may be addressed in a creative and cooperative manner. This article exam...(Read Full Abstract)

A holonic architecture for the supply chain performance in industry 4.0 context

  • Authors: Zekhnini, Kamar; Cherrafi, Anass; Bouhaddou, Imane; Benabdellah, Abla Chaouni; Raut, Rakesh
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: International Journal of Logistics-research and Applications
    DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2021.1999912

This paper aims to address in-depth the state of the art of current literature relating to digital supply chain management. A set of 100 papers deduced from the most relevant scientific databases from 2005 to 2020 has been analyzed and synthesised. The analysis and evaluation of these papers have en...(Read Full Abstract)

A life cycle analysis-based comprehensive study on municipal solid waste management: a case study of central india

  • Authors: Mandpe, Ashootosh; Bhattacharya, Ayushman; Gedam, Vidyadhar V.; Paliya, Sonam; Hussain, Athar; Kumar, Sunil
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Environment Development and Sustainability
    DOI: 10.1007/s10668-023-03548-8

Municipal solid waste management (mswm) is an exigent and emerging problem in india. Despite various mswm options, landfill continues to be the ultimate disposal destination of solid waste leading to ecosystem damage and leachate generation. The appropriate mswm options and landfill leachate treatme...(Read Full Abstract)

A multisectoral systematic literature review of digital twins in supply chain management

  • Authors: Kapil, Devarshi; Raut, Rakesh; Nayal, Kirti; Kumar, Mukesh; Akarte, Milind M.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Benchmarking-an International Journal
    DOI: 10.1108/BIJ-04-2024-0286

Purpose the study aims to provide a comprehensive review of digital twin (dt) literature and examine how various industrial sectors utilize the potential of dt. Design/methodology/approach this study's systematic literature review (slr) and bibliometric analysis focus on utilizing dt in the supply c...(Read Full Abstract)

A narrative literature review on optimization of manufacturing processes using weighted aggregated sum product assessment (waspas) method

  • Authors: Chakraborty, Santonab; Raut, Rakesh D.; Rofin, T. M.; Chakraborty, Shankar
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Opsearch
    DOI: 10.1007/s12597-024-00858-x

In the present industrial era, manufacturing has become the primary process of converting the raw materials into finished items while fulfilling the customers' requirements of low cost and better quality. Based on the working principles, manufacturing processes have several variations, like machinin...(Read Full Abstract)

A novel coexistent resilience index to evaluate the supply chain resilience of industries using fuzzy logic

  • Authors: Narassima, M. S.; Gedam, Vidyadhar; Gunasekaran, Angappa; Anbuudayasankar, S. P.; Dwarakanath, M.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Supply Chain Management-an International Journal
    DOI: 10.1108/SCM-05-2023-0218

Purposethis study aims to explore supply chain resilience (scr) and provides a unique resilience index. The work measures the resilience status of 37 organizations across 22 industries and provides insight into accessing the supply chain (sc) vulnerability in an uncertain environment.Design/methodol...(Read Full Abstract)

A systematic literature review and bibliometrics using visualization of similarities for patternless sand mold and core production

  • Authors: Patil, Yogesh; Akarte, Milind; Karunakaran, K. P.; Patel, Ashik Kumar; Mittal, Yash G.; Gote, Gopal Dnyanba; Mehta, Avinash Kumar; Ely, Ronald; Shinde, Jitendra
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Rapid Prototyping Journal
    DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-12-2023-0434

Purpose - integrating additive manufacturing (am) tools in traditional mold-making provides complex yet affordable sand molds and cores. Am processes such as selective laser sintering (sls) and binder jetting three-dimensional printing (bj3dp) are widely used for patternless sand mold and core produ...(Read Full Abstract)

Acceptance of location-based advertising by young consumers: a stimulus-organism-response (s-o-r) model perspective

  • Authors: Kini, Ranjan B.; Bolar, Kartikeya; Rofin, T. M.; Mukherjee, Sayan; Bhattacharjee, Soumyajit
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Information Systems Management
    DOI: 10.1080/10580530.2023.2214843

This study examines the influence of permission, trust, relevance, and context factors on the acceptance of location-based advertising in india using the stimuli-organism-response (s-o-r) model. The survey responses (n=459) are collected in india using simulated situations. The analysis indicates th...(Read Full Abstract)

Additive manufacturing service bureau selection: a bayesian network integrated framework

  • Authors: Ghuge, Sagar; Akarte, Milind
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: International Journal of Production Economics
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109348

Additive manufacturing service bureaus (amsbs) are crucial for enabling manufacturing organizations to leverage the benefits of additive manufacturing (am) technology, such as on-demand manufacturing, production speed, etc., all while eliminating the expense of maintaining inventories. Consequently,...(Read Full Abstract)

Adoption of robust business analytics for product innovation and organizational performance: the mediating role of organizational data-driven culture

  • Authors: Chaudhuri, Ranjan; Chatterjee, Sheshadri; Vrontis, Demetris; Thrassou, Alkis
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Annals of Operations Research
    DOI: 10.1007/s10479-021-04407-3

In the present digital environment, a data-driven organizational culture has become a vital emerging driver of organizational growth. This data-driven culture has assumed an advanced shape due to adoption of artificial intelligence (ai) integrated business analytics tools in the organization. Data-d...(Read Full Abstract)

Advancing the digital frontier in agri-food supply chains

  • Authors: Jagtap, Sandeep; Raut, Rakesh; Dani, Samir
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.17091
    Access Type: Green

Agriculture supply chain risks and covid-19: mitigation strategies and implications for the practitioners

  • Authors: Sharma, Rohit; Shishodia, Anjali; Kamble, Sachin; Gunasekaran, Angappa; Belhadi, Amine
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: International Journal of Logistics-research and Applications
    DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2020.1830049

The agricultural supply chains (ascs) are exposed to unprecedented risks following covid-19. It is necessary to investigate the impact of risks and to create resilient asc organisations. In this study, we have identified and assessed the asc risks caused by disruptions. These threats were assessed u...(Read Full Abstract)

All about social coupons! Evolution, review and research directions

  • Authors: Ram, Pappu Kalyan; Pandey, Neeraj; Paul, Justin
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Marketing Intelligence & Planning
    DOI: 10.1108/MIP-07-2023-0369

Purpose a novel phenomenon in product and service promotions, social coupons facilitate group buying at lower prices, bringing key benefits to customers, merchants and coupon aggregators. This study maps the evolution and innovations in social couponing, identifies knowledge gaps in the domain and s...(Read Full Abstract)

An integrated g-macont approach for healthcare supplier selection

  • Authors: Chakraborty, Santonab; Raut, Rakesh D.; Rofin, T. M.; Chakraborty, Shankar
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Grey Systems-theory and Application
    DOI: 10.1108/GS-07-2023-0068

Purposesupplier selection along with continuous evaluation of their performance is a crucial activity in healthcare supply chain management for effective utilization of scarce resources while providing quality service at an affordable price, and minimizing chances of stock-out, avoiding serious cons...(Read Full Abstract)

An integrated mcdm-ml approach for predicting the carbon neutrality index in manufacturing supply chains

  • Authors: Dohale, Vishwas; Kamble, Sachin; Ambilkar, Priya; Gold, Stefan; Belhadi, Amine
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123243
    Access Type: Hybrid

Organizations across the globe are devising novel approaches to strive for carbon neutrality. Global institutions have manifested the critical need to develop reasonable strategies in every sector to mitigate the impending issues of excessive anthropogenic carbon emission and, in consequence, climat...(Read Full Abstract)

Analysis of the challenges for blockchain technology adoption in the indian health-care sector

  • Authors: Dhingra, Sarthak; Raut, Rakesh; Gunasekaran, Angappa; Naik, B. Koteswara Rao; Masuna, Venkateshwarlu
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Journal of Modelling in Management
    DOI: 10.1108/JM2-09-2022-0229

Purposethis paper aims to discover and analyze the challenges hampering blockchain technology's (bt's) implementation in the indian health-care sector. A total of 18 challenges have been prioritized and modeled based on an extensive literature search and professional views. Design/methodology/approa...(Read Full Abstract)

Analyzing the barriers to building a 3-d printing enabled local medical supply chain ecosystem

  • Authors: Kamble, Sachin; Belhadi, Amine; Gupta, Shivam; Islam, Najmul; Verma, Virendra Kumar; Solima, Ludovico
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Ieee Transactions on Engineering Management
    DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3226658

Building a local supply chain requires separating the regions and creating alliances with local partners and customers, resulting in a new business model. In local supply chains, the factory procures material, parts, and preassembled elements from local suppliers and sells the final products to loca...(Read Full Abstract)

Antecedents and consequence of frugal and responsible innovation in asia: through the lens of organization capabilities and culture

  • Authors: Chatterjee, Sheshadri; Chaudhuri, Ranjan; Vrontis, Demetris
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Management
    DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09797-3

Organizations ensure responsible innovation through collaborative management. Asian organizations adopt resource-constrained innovation, being one form of frugal innovation, and responsible innovation. Also, asian organizations are influenced by culture, such as jugaad, on developing innovation capa...(Read Full Abstract)

Assessing feasibility of sewage sludge composting in rotary drum reactor

  • Authors: Singh, Anju; Sawant, Megha; Herlekar, Mihir; Aymerich, Enrique; Starkl, Markus
    Year: 2024 | IIM Mumbai
    Source: Bioresource Technology
    DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.130219

In a year-long study, the efficacy of a manually operated rotary drum prototype, jointly developed by ceit spain and iim mumbai, was examined for sanitized compost production in indian conditions. The prototype, a 200-liter horizontal plastic drum made of high-density polyethylene, incorporated a pe...(Read Full Abstract)