IIM Udaipur's Publications (Web of Science)


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Total No of Publication : 321

A double-edged sword: empowering leadership to employees' work-life interface

  • Authors: Rai, Arpana; Kim, Minseo; Shukla, Ayushi
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: International Journal of Human Resource Management
    DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2024.2421348

Given the strongly held consensus that empowering leadership is beneficial, leadership scholars have overstated its benefits and overlooked its costs. In response to increasing calls for investigation of empowering leadership's double-edged effects, we uncover the enabling and burdening effects of e...(Read Full Abstract)

A flexible model based on piecewise linear approximation for the analysis of left truncated right censored data with covariates, and applications to Worcester Heart Attack Study data and Channing House data

  • Authors: Ganguly, Ayon; Mitra, Debanjan; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy; Kundu, Debasis
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Statistics In Medicine
    DOI: 10.1002/sim.9954

Left truncated right censored (LTRC) data arise quite commonly from survival studies. In this article, a model based on piecewise linear approximation is proposed for the analysis of LTRC data with covariates. Specifically, the model involves a piecewise linear approximation for the cumulative basel...(Read Full Abstract)

A model for failure-time data with two dependent failure modes and prediction of future failures

  • Authors: Agrawal, Aakash; Mitra, Debanjan; Ganguly, Ayon
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Quality Engineering
    DOI: 10.1080/08982112.2024.2321839
    Access Type: Green Submitted

Often in reliability studies we observe failure-time data with two dependent failure modes. In this article, by using a bivariate Weibull model with distinct shape parameters, we present a model for reliability data with two dependent failure modes. Inferential methods for the proposed model are dis...(Read Full Abstract)

A Semi-Closed Form Approximation of Arbitrage-Free Call Option Price Surface

  • Authors: Kundu, Arindam; Kumar, Sumit; Tomar, Nutan Kumar
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Computational Economics
    DOI: 10.1007/s10614-023-10368-5

The two-dimensional estimation problem of the arbitrage-free option price surface from available best bid-ask quotes is difficult to solve due to insufficient as well as skewed quotes for various strikes and maturities besides the prevalence of arbitrage opportunities in the observed quotes. This ar...(Read Full Abstract)

Advertising Stigmatized Products: Leverage Social Norms or Break the Stigma?

  • Authors: Srivastava, Arti; Nasa, Jayant; Satyavageeswaran, Prakash; Dubelaar, Chris; Nanarpuzha, Rajesh
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Journal of Business Research
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114837

Stigma-leveraging and stigma-disrupting messages are commonly used to promote stigmatized products. However, the relative effectiveness (persuasiveness) of these two advertising approaches remains unexplored. The current research fills this gap by studying consumers' psychological and attitudinal re...(Read Full Abstract)

Affirmative action in large population tullock contests

We compare equal treatment and affirmative action policies in Tullock contests. Equal treatment means that agents who exert equal effort have an equal probability of success. In affirmative action, agents who incur an equal cost of effort have an equal probability of success. Finite player contests ...(Read Full Abstract)

Capital Mobility Based on Onshore-Offshore Arbitrage: Empirical Evidence from India and China

  • Authors: Aggarwal, Nidhi; Arora, Sanchit; Sengupta, Rajeswari
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Open Economies Review
    DOI: 10.1007/s11079-024-09787-0

In this paper, we empirically examine the changes over time in the degree of capital mobility for India and China. We find that the somewhat haphazard process of capital account liberalisation undertaken by the Indian and Chinese authorities gets reflected in large variations in Covered Interest Par...(Read Full Abstract)

Casteism and career change in India: A gender-based explanation of retention

  • Authors: Banerjee, Dina; Memon, Nazia Zabin; Sharma, Alka
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Australian Journal of Career Development
    DOI: 10.1177/10384162241232512

Dalits are a historically marginalized caste group in India. In this study, we examine the impact that the institution of caste has on career change. Focusing on the shift from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to non-STEM careers, we ask why members of the Dalit communities i...(Read Full Abstract)

Characterization of maxmed mechanisms for multiple objects

  • Authors: Basu, Ranojoy; Mukherjee, Conan
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Review of Economic Design
    DOI: 10.1007/s10058-023-00341-x

This paper presents an extension of maxmed mechanisms introduced by Sprumont (J Econ Theory 148:1102-1121, 2013) to the multiple homogeneous object setting. To address the complexities of the multiple objects setting, we consider special families of mechanisms, which contain a mechanism for each pos...(Read Full Abstract)

Contextually balanced engagement: Navigating paradoxes of localisation and cultural embedding in rural health information systems implementation

  • Authors: Qureshi, Israr; Shukla, Dhirendra Mani; Bhatt, Babita; Hota, Pradeep; Sun, Ruonan
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Information Systems Journal
    DOI: 10.1111/isj.12522

Although health information systems (HIS) play an important role in elevating health standards, a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively implement HIS in rural areas is lacking. This issue becomes more significant when considering that globally a majority of the approximately 1.5 million ...(Read Full Abstract)

Does competitive climate at work lead to problems at home? Examination of mediating pathways

  • Authors: Rai, Arpana; Kim, Minseo; Beehr, Terry A.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
    DOI: 10.1111/1744-7941.12362

Drawing from Conservation of Resources theory, the present study examines a serial mediation model in which competitive climate predicts work-to-family conflict via two mediators - first, excessive and compulsive workaholism, and then emotional exhaustion. As organizations may differ in terms of the...(Read Full Abstract)

Dual envy influences online shoppers' intention to purchase luxury counterfeits

  • Authors: Gupta, Tanvi; Lyndem, Preeti Krishnan
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: International Journal of Consumer Studies
    DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.13036

Envy fuels luxury consumption-both real and fake. Through three studies, we show that benign envy motivates online shoppers to purchase authentic luxury products, whereas malicious envy encourages counterfeiting. By triggering envy through its antecedents of deservingness and pride, we show that ben...(Read Full Abstract)

Engaging customers and suppliers for environmental sustainability: Investigating the drivers and the effects on firm performance

  • Authors: Sharma, Amalesh; Borah, Sourav Bikash; Haque, Tanjum; Adhikary, Anirban
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science
    DOI: 10.1007/s11747-023-00995-7

While firms engage stakeholders in their sustainability practices to contribute to a better world resiliently and responsibly, little is known about what drives their ability to generate customer engagement (CE) and supplier engagement (SE) for sustainability purposes. This paper identifies, theoriz...(Read Full Abstract)

Factors Affecting Follow-Up Adherence of Glaucoma Patients

  • Authors: Singh, Ankit; Udayakumar, Balakrishnan; Ravilla, Thulairaj Duraisamy; Ponnappan, Vedha; Krishnadas, Ramaswamy; Satyavageeswaran, Prakash
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Ophthalmic Epidemiology
    DOI: 10.1080/09286586.2023.2199842

PurposeThe objective of our study is to understand the factors associated with non-adherence to the physician's follow-up advice by persons with glaucoma.MethodsWe use a four-year panel dataset containing demographic, clinical, and intervention details and doctor's advised follow-up date for a rando...(Read Full Abstract)

Flexible modelling of a bivariate degradation process with a shared frailty and an application to fatigue crack data

  • Authors: Barui, Sandip; Mitra, Debanjan; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Reliability Engineering & System Safety
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2023.109722

Examples of units with two performance characteristics that degrade over time are ubiquitous in reliability engineering. In this article, we develop a flexible model for bivariate degradation data pertaining to units in which the degradation processes corresponding to the performance characteristics...(Read Full Abstract)

Going complex or going easy? The impact of research questions on citations

  • Authors: Solarino, Angelo M.; Rose, Elizabeth L.; Luise, Cristian
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Scientometrics
    DOI: 10.1007/s11192-023-04907-y
    Access Type: Green Published, Hybrid

The growing need for academic impact requires researchers to develop and address important ideas. In this paper, we analyze how theory has been framed and operationalized within international business scholarship, which has a long tradition of producing research that accounts jointly for multiple re...(Read Full Abstract)

Heterogeneity in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Indian Consumer Preferences

  • Authors: Kumar, Rajeev Ranjan; Raj, Alok; Sharma, Prateek
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
    DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2024.3404787

This article aims to explain the heterogeneity in individual purchasing decisions toward electric vehicles (EVs). To achieve this, we conducted a stated preference experiment among Indian consumers regarding EV adoption, using a two-stage integrated choice and latent variable model. Neoclassical and...(Read Full Abstract)

Hierarchical Bayesian Integrated Modeling of Age- and Sex-Structured Wildlife Population Dynamics

  • Authors: Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi; Piepho, Hans-Peter; Bhattacharya, Sourabh; Dublin, Holly T.; Ogutu, Joseph O.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics
    DOI: 10.1007/s13253-024-00634-w
    Access Type: Hybrid

Biodiversity of large wild mammals is declining at alarming rates worldwide. It is therefore imperative to develop effective population conservation and recovery strategies. Population dynamics models can provide insights into processes driving declines of particular populations of a species and the...(Read Full Abstract)

Interactional justice and cognitive rumination explain effects of empowering leadership on home life

  • Authors: Kim, Minseo; Beehr, Terry A.; Rai, Arpana
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: International Journal of Human Resource Management
    DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2137424

Based on conservation of resources theory, the present study examines a serial mediation model in which empowering leadership predicts the nature of work-home interfaces via cognitive states and processes (interactional justice and work rumination). Two waves of data with a one-month interval were o...(Read Full Abstract)

Is more always better? Information acquisition and stock price crash risk

  • Authors: Fung, Simon Yu Kit; Jain, Ankit; Tiwari, Moumita
    Year: 2024 | IIM Udaipur
    Source: Economics Letters
    DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111574
    Access Type: Hybrid

We posit that high search intensity on a firm's SEC filings creates capital market pressure on managers to withhold bad news. Using the count of non-robot EDGAR downloads of SEC filings as a proxy for search intensity, we find that high search intensity is related to higher future crash risk. The re...(Read Full Abstract)