A Novel Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm for Business Applications
Student Name: Boby Chaitanya Villari
Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
Year: 2020 | IIM Kozhikode
The humanitarian supply chain (HSC) aims at providing relief to affected people in the wake of a disaster at right place and at the right time to reduce their suffering. HSC operations can be categorized into three phases - pre-disaster preparedness phase, postdisaster response phase and rehabilitat...(Read Full Abstract)
Disengagement at work has been a cause of concern for the business world for a while now. Disengaged employees are likely to be withdrawn psychologically despite physical presence. Practitioners hold that disengagement afflicts a vast majority of the workforce. The urgency and the extent of practiti...(Read Full Abstract)
The relationship between resources and creativity is ambiguous. Organizations are found to be creative when resources are in abundance as well as when they are constrained. Despite studies on both aspects, creativity is mostly associated with resource abundance rather than resource constraints. Howe...(Read Full Abstract)
Institutional investors are becoming a potent force in emerging markets; they provide the much-needed liquidity in financial markets and are also becoming proficient at shareholder activism. Therefore, in recent times, there has been increasingly great interest by both regula¬tors, policymakers and...(Read Full Abstract)
The concept of experience economy is gaining significance in the marketing literature and is often used to explain, design, and execute experiential offerings. Tourism is an industry that provides a unique context to see the experience economy ideas in action, as majority of the offerings are experi...(Read Full Abstract)
Social enterprises (SEs) primarily aim to create social value i.e. generate benefits or reduce costs for society, while maintaining financial sustainability. They typically step in when both the government and private sector fail to address social problems, a market failure condition. In order to ad...(Read Full Abstract)
This dissertation examines how alternative organizations in highly institutionalized and mature fields can deviate from institutions. Institutions are socially constructed rules, norms, and beliefs that result in taken-for-granted practices and routine-like behavior. Mature institutions, characteriz...(Read Full Abstract)
In general, adapting Lean Thinking (LT) in an organisation consists of broadly three stages: getting ready for implementing LT by satisfying the prerequisites, implementation of LT principles and practices, and finally the assessment of extent of leanness attained by the organization. Though several...(Read Full Abstract)
This research proposes a Cognitive Business Intelligence framework which is a novel conceptualization of Business Intelligence. This framework can be used to develop systems that can take decisions that closely resemble human decision-making process. The framework has been implemented (through Matla...(Read Full Abstract)
An information system (IS) is effective when it is successfully implemented, effectively put to use and caters to the needs of the end user community. An example of such an information system is the core banking solution (CBS), which is extensively used by many banks all over the world. A CBS primar...(Read Full Abstract)
Researchers and practitioners explored factors that influenced salesperson performance since a long time (Churchill et al. 1985; Vinchur et al. 1998; Verbeke et al, 2011). More recently, the changes in selling environment, increased product complexity, ever demanding customers and technological adva...(Read Full Abstract)