IIM Lucknow's Theses


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Total No of thesis : 102

A Moderated multi-mediation model of promotion and prevention focused job crafting : motivating job characteristics, leader-member exchange quality as antecedents, big five personality traits as moderator and person-job fit, perceived internal employabili

  • Student Name: Sanjeet Kumar Sameer
    Subject/Area: Human Resources Management (HRM) & Organizational Behaviour (OB)
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Pushpendra Priyadarshi
    Members: Pankaj Kumar and Gaurav Garg
    Keywords: Job crafting, regulatory focus, employability, public sector, proactivity, psychological attachment

Employee wellbeing has been a topic accorded significant attention by organizational psychologists with outcomes such as job satisfaction, stress, work engagement and performance given copious space in literature. Evaluated only as an adjunct to more central tenets of performance such as productivit...(Read Full Abstract)

Impact of type of platform and type of review on consumer perception of online reviews

  • Student Name: R Sunitha
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Moutusy Maity
    Members: Satyabhusan Das and Anita Goyal
    Keywords: Type of platforms, Type of review, Consumer perceptions, Product type, Information usefulness, Persuasiveness, Trust, Helpfulness, perceived risk, Valence, Search, Experience, Credence

Electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) undertaken by potential, and actual customers about a productive the Internet, may occur on different websites (e.g., branding/shopping sites, consumer review sites, corporate websites, social networking sites), in the form of online reviews.
Eight in ten (83%...(Read Full Abstract)

Integrating supply chain resilience and flexibility for supply chain risk mitigation: a modelling approach

  • Student Name: Sonia Jagdish Kushwaha
    Subject/Area: Decision Sciences & Information Systems
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Kashi Naresh Singh
    Members: Bhaba Krishna Mohanty and Samir K. Srivastave
    Keywords: Supply chain risk management, supply chain resilience, Multi-objective optimization, Digital support system for supply chain, Particle swarm optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Supplier selection, Cloud computing supply chain

In today’s unpredictable and highly interdependent system, even the planned and organized companies are being caught by events that are beyond their control or which are results of plans and designs not working as expected. In a supply chain network at different stages there can arise different ty...(Read Full Abstract)

IT-Governance and risk management framework for healthcare organizations

  • Student Name: Shounak Pal
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Arunabha Mukhopadhya
    Members: Ashwani Kumar and Rajesh Athal
    Keywords: Healthcare Information Skystems, IT governance, Telemedicine, Clinical Quality, Security measures,IT risk management, IT risk assessment, Classification, clustering, Backward Regression, Payoff matrix, Utility theory, Probability- Impact Matrix, IT pro

In recent years, management in the healthcare domain has become burdened with multiple managerial issues related to cost, quality, accessibility, medical errors and security concerns. Nation Master (2014) notes that even though healthcare spending in the United States (U.S.) is the highest in the wo...(Read Full Abstract)

Multi-echelon supply chain coordination: a game theoretic perspective

  • Student Name: Rohit Gupta
    Subject/Area: Operations Management
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Sushil Kumar
    Members: Indranil Biswas and B.K. Mohanty
    Keywords: Contract sequence, Cut-off policy, Coordination, Fuzzy demand, Three-echelon supply chain, Greening, Quality, Advertising, Game theory, Power structure

The rise of globalisation, the constant need for innovation, and increased availability of outsourcing options have led supply chains to become multi-echelon. Design of mechanism to align individual objectives of different stakeholders with that of the overall supply chain remains a primary challeng...(Read Full Abstract)

Role of CSR perception in sales professional's performance

  • Student Name: Ankur Jha
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Satyabhusan Dash
    Members: Prem Prakash Dewani and Damodar Suar
    Keywords: Social Responsibility, Business to Business Marketing, Sales Professionals, Sales Performance

CSR program is vital for B2B companies (Levy, 2010). The study examines the impact of CSR perception from the perspective of sales professionals in the B2B domain. CSR is an issue concerning all business partners; it affects suppliers’ relationships, customer preference, employee commitment and sh...(Read Full Abstract)

Studies in innovation: paradox, dynamism, and leadership

  • Student Name: Mohammad Haris Minai
    Subject/Area: Human Resources Management (HRM) & Organizational Behaviour (OB)
    Year: 2020 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Shailendra Singh
    Members: Abhijit Bhattacharya and Arup Varma
    Keywords: Leadership, innovation, affective displays, template analysis, computational modeling

Innovation is important for the growth and even survival of organizations. The rapid changes in production technology, new consumer expectations, and the increased rate of technological change have created business conditions wherein value is created by constant creativity and innovation within orga...(Read Full Abstract)

A framework for cyber risk management for organizations

  • Student Name: Baidyanath Biswas
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Arunabha Mukhopadhyay
    Members: Ashwani Kumar, Rajesh Aithal
    Keywords: Cyber crime - Management, IT risk management, Cyber risk assessment, Cyber risk mitigation, Software vulnerabilities, Cyber ecosystem, Hacker forums, Cyber insurance, Structural equation modelling, Classification problem, Text mining, Sentiment analysis,

CNBC in 2018 has reported that the world economy suffers a loss to the tune of $450 billion every year due to cybercrime. Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2017 stated that fifty-three percent of the organization attribute these losses to the lack of IT security preparedness in their information systems...(Read Full Abstract)

Asset-pricing factors, aggregate earnings and their relationship with stock returns and the macro economy

  • Student Name: Vaibhav Lalwani
    Subject/Area: Finance and Accounting
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Madumita Chakraborty
    Members: Seshadev Sahoo and Sowmya Subramaniam
    Keywords: Asset-Pricing Factors, Aggregate Earnings, Stock Returns

The need to understand the relationship of Asset-pricing factors and aggregate earningswith stock returns and the macro economy has driven some recent advances in accounting and finance literature. Some notablestudies in this field such as Fama and French (2015), Liew and Vassalou (2000), Ball and S...(Read Full Abstract)

Drivers of adolescents' customer brand engagement in the context of packaged food brands

  • Student Name: Madhu Mandal
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Satya Bhusan Dash
    Members: Moutusy Maity, B.K. Mohanty
    Keywords: Customer brand engagement, Brand love, Customer value, Perceived benefits, Packaged food brands, Adolescents, Brand management

In today's highly competitive market, the importance of customer brand engagement (CBE) cannot be undermined. The key objective of any brand marketing effort is to engage customers/potential customers in an enduring relationship with the brand, create loyalty and secure profitability. In the last on...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays in closed loop supply chain

  • Student Name: Manjot Singh Bhatia
    Subject/Area: Operations Management
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Rajiv Kumar Srivastava
    Members: Suresh Jakhar and Yogesh Agarwal
    Keywords: Closed loop supply chain, remanufacturing, critical success factors, performance outcomes, factor analysis, PLS-SEM, institutional pressures, resource commitment, network design, mixed integer programming, fuzzy mixed integer linear programming

Rapid consumption of earth’s resources by human beings is causing resource scarcity, generation of toxic waste and severe damage to environment. Recently, conservation of natural resources has gained increasing importance globally. Regulations have been imposed by governments in several countries,...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on conditional promotions and consumer behavior: effect of mode of payments, offer framing, relative distances from the threshold order value and initial cart orientation on add-on purchases

  • Student Name: Achint Nigam
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Prem Prakash Dewani
    Members: Rajesh K. Aithal, Manoj Motiani
    Keywords: Consumer behaviour, Conditional promotions (CP), Mode of payments based consumer behaviour

Conditional Promotions (CP) are pervasively used both in offline and online retail in India. CP largely help the retailers in increasing the cart value of the consumer over and above a threshold value specified in the offer statement. Given the frequent use of CP in retailing, it makes an interestin...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on corporate social responsibility disclosure and firms financial performance in India

  • Student Name: Aditi Singh
    Subject/Area: Finance and Accounting
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Madhumita Chakraborty
    Members: Seshadev Sahoo and Gaurav Garg
    Keywords: Corporate social Responsibility disclosure, content analysis, financial performance, emerging economy, return on asset, Return on equity, stakeholders

The purpose of this research is to explore the status of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) and empirically examine the relationship between CSRD and financial performance (FP) of firms in the emerging economy of India, in the light of stakeholder theory. The first study analyses the ...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on manufacturing productivity

  • Student Name: Rupika Khanna
    Subject/Area: Economics and Business Environment
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Chandan Sharma
    Members: Sanjay Kumar Singh, N.R. Bhanumurthy
    Keywords: Industrial productivity, Indian manufacturing industries, Technology and firm performance, Productivity effects of R&D, Productivity effects of IT

Abstract This thesis is an investigation into the effects of infrastructure and technologically-advanced investments such as information technology (IT) and research and development (R&D) on productivity in Indian manufacturing sector. Recent meta-analytic work on the infrastructure-productivity lin...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on service-dominant logic, co-creation and coolness: a technology convergence perspective

  • Student Name: Amit Anand Tiwari
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Anirban Chakraborty
    Members: Moutusy Maity, Gaurav Garg
    Keywords: Co-creation, Service-dominant logic, Customer experience, Customer service, Technology convergence, Brand love, Coolness

The emerging service-dominant logic (SDL) considers service as the denominator of all the exchanges with value co-creation at its core. The notion of SDL and value co-creation have garnered great attention in businesses. Nevertheless, the complexities linked with the SDL framework, the substantial m...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on shifting paradigm in global energy mix: thesis

  • Student Name: Amit Prakash Jha
    Subject/Area: Economics and Business Environment
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Sanjay Kumuar Singh
    Members: Chandan Sharma and Debdatta Pal
    Keywords: Energy Mix; Portfolio diversification; energy transition; policy; Arellano-Bond estimator; solar; wind; renewable energy; Data Envelopment Analysis; energy policy; energy planning; Two- stage DEA; electricity; India; SURE; mobility; e-vehicles; emissions

The present thesis work revolves around the theme of energy mix. The energy mix is the share of different energy sources in the energy basket of a country. Energy security and environmental concerns calls for a shift from conventional to non-conventional sources. It is evident that the energy portfo...(Read Full Abstract)

Essays on sustainable supply chain

  • Student Name: Alok Raj
    Subject/Area: Operations Management
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Samir K Srivastava
    Members: Indranil Biswas and Amit Agrahari
    Keywords: Sustainable supply chain management; Triple bottom line; Game theory; Decentralized supply chain; Coordination; Stackelberg game; Contract; Greening- cost sharing contract; Revenue and greening-cost sharing contract; Sustainable public procurement; I

In the recent past, firms across the globe have paid increasing attention to achieve sustainability in their business operations. The renewed interest in sustainability is due to rising regulatory pressures, soaring demand for eco-friendly products, and growing expectations from various stakeholder ...(Read Full Abstract)

Ethical leadership: exploring dimensions, scale development and nomological network

  • Student Name: Vachhrajani Mit Chandresh
    Subject/Area: Human Resources Management (HRM) & Organizational Behaviour (OB)
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Shailendra Singh, Himanshu Rai (Co-Chairperson)
    Members: Pankaj Kumar
    Keywords: Ethical leadership

ABSTRACT The evidences of relationship of leadership with organizational and employee outcomes are documented in the literature. This has drawn the attention of the researchers to positive leadership styles. Ethical Leadership is one such positive leadership style. Ethical leadership is defined as ...(Read Full Abstract)

Evidence based business process analysis: towards a structured BPR approach

  • Student Name: Tanvi Goila
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Amit Agrahari, R.K. Srivastava (Co-Chairperson)
    Members: Ashwani Kumar
    Keywords: Reengineering (management), Business process reengineering, Business process analysis

According to the Apollo Group Chairman (IMS Healthcare Report 2012), the three big challenges in healthcare in India are (i) lack of resources (1 bed for every 1050 people); (ii) lack of skilled man power (a shortage of two million nurses and doctors), and (iii) rise of diseases (number of diabete...(Read Full Abstract)

Media choice behavior: consumer and marketer perspectives

  • Student Name: Arunima Shah
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2019 | IIM Lucknow
    Chair Person: Moutusy Maity
    Members: Amit Agrahari and Mayukh Dass
    Keywords: Media Choice, Media richness, consumer behaviour expansion, channel choice, information search, purchase, grounded theory

Marketing is a continuously evolving discipline where technology plays a major role in today’s times. One such context is the realm of digital marketing, especially e-commerce and m-commerce. Understanding and catering to the evolving markets, trends, and customers in the wake of the continuously ...(Read Full Abstract)