IIM Ranchi's Theses


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Total No of thesis : 13

Essays on external commercial borrowings (ECBs) in India

  • Student Name: Abhisek Sur
    Subject/Area: Economics
    Year: 2020 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Amarendu Nandy
    Members: Sankalpa Bhattacharjee, Partha Ray, Samit Paul
    Keywords: External commercial borrowings, Capital account openness, Corporate vulnerability, Firm-level analysis, Foreign currency leverage, Exchange rate risk, Monetary policy, Indian economy, IIM Ranchi

External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs), a channel to facilitate access to foreign capital by corporates, has evolved as a preferred medium of borrowing in the post-liberalization period in India. Since 2000, the total external borrowing of corporates (including short-term credit) on an average has ac...(Read Full Abstract)

Context development for big data analysis

  • Student Name: Nitin Varma
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Pradip Kumar Bala
    Members: N. Sivasankaran, Arindam Mukherjee
    Keywords: Big Data, Information systems, IIM Ranchi

The Big Data revolution is upon us. The revolution had been in the making for six years, in the shape of Hadoop, till December 27, 2011 – when release 1.0.0 got announced to the world. In 2012 IIM Ranchi launched the FPM programme and announced intake into FPM(Analytics) supported by a proposed IB...(Read Full Abstract)

Developing optimization models for dyadic prediction in the context of sparse data

  • Student Name: Bipul Kumar
    Subject/Area: Operations Management
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Pradip Kumar Bala
    Members: Amit Sachan, N. Sivasankaran
    Keywords: Recommender Systems, e-commerce, Dyadic prediction, Optimization model, IIM Ranchi

There is a renewed interest in Recommender Systems (RS) research after the Netflix prize competition. In parallel, there is also a growth of social media which has driven research in link prediction, with the aim of predicting labels about friends, groups, etc. Both these problems involve the predic...(Read Full Abstract)

Dynamics of flexibility in service lexicon for improved customer experience and satisfaction: evidence from public healthcare sector in India

  • Student Name: Pradeep Kumar
    Subject/Area: Marketing
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Shibashish Chakraborty
    Members: Sasadhar Bera, Soumya Sarkar, Tanusree Dutta
    Keywords: Flexibility, Customer experience, Public healthcare, Customer satisfaction, Case-study, Structural Equation Modeling, Dyadic study, IIM Ranchi

Early marketing thoughts were highly descriptive of commodities and inherited manufacturing-based models. Recent studies have advocated for the development of service focus and contribute to the reorientation of marketing by aligning customer processes. The corresponding shift in service strategies ...(Read Full Abstract)

E-government adoption in India: a multidimensional perspective

  • Student Name: Rajiv Kumar
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Amit Sachan
    Members: Arindam Mukherjee, Sanjiv Damodar Vaidya
    Keywords: E-governance, India, IIM Ranchi

The world is transitioning from the traditional way of delivering public services to the electronic way; this is referred to e-government. There is a huge investment is being done on the e-government initiatives across the world including India as well. However, for a successful e-government impleme...(Read Full Abstract)

Entrepreneurial orientation in emerging economics: networking as sixth dimension

  • Student Name: Kaustav Saha
    Subject/Area: Strategic Management
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Rohit Kumar
    Members: Swarup Kumar Dutta, Tanusree Dutta
    Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, Economics Networking, Sixth dimension, IIM Ranchi

Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has been a subject of more than three decades of research and has become a cornerstone of strategic management and corporate entrepreneurship literature. Currently, two prominent conceptualizations of EO exists in literature – the Miller (1983) unidimensional view ...(Read Full Abstract)

Exploring gender bias in the Indian workplace using neuropsychological tools

  • Student Name: Anindita Ghosh
    Subject/Area: Human Resources Management (HRM) & Organizational Behaviour (OB)
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Tanusree Dutta
    Members: Gaurav Manohar Marathe, Swati Dhir
    Keywords: Human Resource Management, Neuropsychology Gender Bias, Indian Workplace, Neuroscientific Tools, IIM Ranchi, Implicit Association Test, Neuroscience Tools

Even after the introduction of various employment legislations over the past fifty years and the growing popularity of diversity management programs, multiple forms of gender bias continue to exist in the workplace. Gender bias towards women in the workplace negatively affects women’s opportunitie...(Read Full Abstract)

Impact of diversification on bank performance in India

  • Student Name: Shweta Sharma
    Subject/Area: Finance and Accounting
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Anand
    Members: N. Sivasankaran, Amit Sachan, B.B. Chakrabarti, Vikas Srivastava
    Keywords: Bank Performance, India, Diversification, Capital markets, IIM Ranchi

Past three decades have witnessed a significant transformation in the global banking scenario due to restructuring of the financial sector. These reforms have resulted in deregulation of interest rates, liberalization of credit control, privatization of financial institutions and removal of entry ba...(Read Full Abstract)

New perspectives on Gray Sheep behavior in recommender systems

  • Student Name: Abhishek Srivastava
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Pradip Kumar Bala
    Members: Anand, Arindam Mukherjee
    Keywords: Sheep Behavior, Recommender Systems, IIM Ranchi

With the rapid rise in popularity of e-commerce applications and the dramatic increase in the size of data present in such applications along with the related social media data generated by customers, information filtering technique like Recommender Systems are widely used to help the customer in fi...(Read Full Abstract)

Role of Metaroutines in shaping multi-level Ambidexterity

  • Student Name: Saurav Snehvrat
    Subject/Area: Strategic Management
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Swarup Kumar Dutta
    Members: Rohit Kumar, Arindam Mukherjee
    Keywords: Organizational Ambidexterity, Metaroutines, New Product Introduction, Commonality simulation, India, IIM Ranchi

Many authors in the fields of strategic management, organizational theory and organizational behavior have suggested that long-term organization performance depends on the organization’s ability to simultaneously exploit current capabilities and explore new opportunities/capabilities. Organization...(Read Full Abstract)

Three research themes in working capital management

  • Student Name: Punam Prasad
    Subject/Area: Finance and Accounting
    Year: 2019 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: N. Sivasankaran
    Members: Subir Chattopadhyay, Samit Paul, Pradip Kumar Bala
    Keywords: Working Capital Management, Working Capital Efficiency Multiplier, Optimal Working Capital, Corporate Governance, Liquidity, Profitability, Target Working Capital, Quick Ratio, Current Ratio, Indian non-financial Firms, IIM Ranchi

Corporate finance deals with capital structure decisions, capital budgeting decisions, dividends theory or firm valuation decisions and working capital management decisions. Working capital management (WCM) is one of the crucial decisions to be dealt by managers as it impacts the liquidity and profi...(Read Full Abstract)

An NLP based approach for knowledge extraction in microtext

  • Student Name: Shubhadeep Mukherjee
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2018 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Pradip Kumar Bala
    Members: Arindam Mukherjee, N. Sivasankaran
    Keywords: Information systems, Natural language processing, NLP, Micro text, IIM Ranchi

Natural language processing (NLP) deals with analyzing, understanding and generating the languages which humans use to communicate naturally. This technique has come into prominence from early 2000s. NLP has become one of the major techniques for analysis of User Generated Content (UGC) as it provid...(Read Full Abstract)

Identifying meaningful recommendation partners in collaborative filtering framework for improved recommendations

  • Student Name: Rahul Kumar
    Subject/Area: Information Systems & Information Technology
    Year: 2018 | IIM Ranchi
    Chair Person: Pradip Kumar Bala
    Members: Arindam Mukherjee, N. Sivasankaran
    Keywords: e-commerce, Recommender systems, Collaborative filtering, Recommendation partners, IIM Ranchi

Internet today has surrounded the users with its symbolic problem of ‘information overload’ where a consumer has far more than required choices. In the realm of e-commerce industry, recommender systems (RS) utilize the information filtering technology to proactively handle ‘information overloa...(Read Full Abstract)